Sunday, July 8, 2012

Customs Plus!

Dear Sarah,

Last night I took my Mysterious New Blythe Clone Lotus Blossom and did some serious customs on her. By serious I mean more than just changing eye chips and MSCing. (Followers: I'm going to allow Sarah to properly introduce these new clones, but the link above takes you to a Flickr group we formed in order to find out more information about them.)

She came with Chinese newspaper!

Here she is when she first arrived.

ADAD 177/365: Parts

A few days ago I removed the eye makeup from around her faceplate. 

Last night I scalped her. Her scalp and dome are very similar to an RBL -  they're apparently the same size, but the extra RBL dome I have lying around didn't fit with her faceplate.

"We ate all the hair."

She had really nice, thick hair but the cut was driving me crazy. I've been wanting to do a reroot for a while, so I decided to chop it all off! Look at those crazy spaces - are Blythe scalps like this? Can I make my own holes? I'd rather her not have bald spots.

Carving success! 

Then I decided to carve! There's really not any tutorials online, but I did find the below video. I used a Xacto knife and a sanding sponge. I also sanded down her nose a bit and thinned it, which I might have to work on more. I think her mouth is good though, I was aiming for a smile. I also don't want to over carve her, and I really don't know what I'm doing. I also don't know how much the paint will have an impact.


And here she is all finished from Day 1! My next step for removal is just to take the paint off her eyelids.

I have a lot of plans for her, and am going to stick with this Lotus Blossom theme.

More soon!

♥ Jillie


  1. ummm, why did I not find this blog sooner!!!!!!!! Amazing! I love finding fellow blythe/blybe fans! Do you have an account on Blythe Kingdom?
    my username is Shannah91 :)

    1. Hi Shannah! So glad you found us! We both have BK accounts - I'm not sure of Jills but mine is EssHaych :)


    2. I'm OnePinkHippo! I'll look for you!

      Glad you found us! :D

    3. Shannah - I never recieved a request! :(
